Open Sourcing Jingo, a Faster JSON Encoder for Go

Today we’ve open sourced Jingo, which is a fast JSON encoder library for golang. The interface of the go standard library json encoder implementation of this is really nice – you decorate your structs using tags and then pass them to Marshal, like so… Example usage, encoding/json import "encoding/json" type MyPayload struct { Name string `json:"name"` Age int `json:"age"` ID int `json:"-"` // "-"" lets us ignore this field } func main(){ p := MyPayload{ Name: "Mr Payload", Age: 33, } serialized, err := json.Marshal(&payload) // serialized = {"name":"Mr Payload","age":33} // … } This can be all you need … Continue reading Open Sourcing Jingo, a Faster JSON Encoder for Go